The Espresso Martini

An Espresso Martini is what you create for an after-dinner drink, or when you need a pick-me-up during late afternoon. Dangerously drinkable and delightfully delicious, containing a good belt of quality liquor. This coffee cocktail is made with espresso, vodka and Kahlua.

This shameless connoisseurs, very sociable, morish cocktail will become the favourite after dinner compliment to that dinner party at home, or perhaps that formal cocktail gathering. Many of my friends indulge themselves in this after five pick me up and nearly always ordered with, or in lieu of, desert at nice restaurant. But really it can be made so much better at home, from a selection from the coffees on offer on this website

What you will need

Here’s what you need for an espresso martini – just espresso coffee, vodka and Kahlua! Try to purchase quality liquors, it pays off in the long run, and you will definitely notice the difference.

How much alcohol is in this Martini?

It’s got a fairly high alcohol content – 60 ml combined total of vodka and Kahlua which equals 2 standard drinks. So, it is something special.

Even though it’s got a decent slug of alcohol in it, it’s highly drinkable with the alcohol not becoming over bearing, but accentuating the entire taste sensation due to the precents of the coffee flavour, disguising the alcohol – so be warned!!

How do you make an Espresso Martini



The perfect combination you, your partner, some fresh nuts, and an Espresso Martini